Saturday, February 14, 2009

Essie's Testimony To New Creation Church

14 Feb 09

Dear Pastor Prince,

I want to testify of my Abba's love and goodness. On 8 Feb 09, at the end of the first service, before you prayed and blessed us for the week, you mentioned that you received a word from the Lord for someone who was in the first service. You said that she has not been sleeping well and there were cysts in her breast but the Lord wanted you to tell her that they were benign. You asked her to go to the doctor and get it verified and then write to the church.

So, here am I writing in before the next Sunday comes on 15 Feb 09 to testify of my Father's words of love to me, on this Valentine's Day!

I can't express how I felt when those words came out of your mouth. Suddenly, it's like heaven's spotlight was upon me and Daddy God was smiling at me! I felt like He embraced me and I was truly overwhelmed.

On 21 Jan, I went to see a doctor as I was bothered by a huge lump on my left breast. I was referred immediately to SGH to see a breast surgeon. The earliest appointment they could fix was on 30 Jan, day 5 of Chinese New Year.

From 21st onwards, I took the Holy Communion every morning before my breakfast, thanking and declaring I am the healed of the Lord. I anointed myself after my bath, calling myself healed, asking the Lord to remove the lump supernaturally with His Hands. I've been reading the Word since 1 Jan this year every single day. There's increased hunger in me for the Word which I can’t explain. And I came to Exo15:26, 27 “ ... I am the Lord Who heals you. And they came to Elim, where there were twelve springs of water and seventy palm trees; and they encamped there by the waters.” When I read this, I didn’t quite understand the 12 springs and 70 palms trees part. I asked the Lord, What do these mean? But somehow, I liked the part on springs of water and encamping there by the waters so I said a resounding amen to what I read!

A few days later, you wouldn’t believe it, I listened to my ipod, chose the topic on Divine Health and guessed what I heard? Pastor read this verse and explained the 12 springs and 70 palm trees! As usual, Pastor’s style “Let the Bible interpret the Bible” got me sitting up straight and straining my ears to hear every word. The NT references were Matthew 10 and Luke 10. In short, the twelve disciples and seventy other disciples also, all had power to preach the word and power to heal the sick. Pastor explained the relation to Exo 15:26. What do they mean? They are anointed ministries that refresh you with the Word of God, that prioritise healing the sick, so come under such anointed preaching to stay in divine health! Amen Pastor, preach it, pastor!

Ok, so 30Jan came and doctor said I have to go for mammogram and ultrasound. So I went for both on 4 Feb and the next appointment with the doctor was 13 Feb to hear his diagnosis. When Pastor gave the rhema word for me on the 8 Feb, how loved I felt by my Abba! He gave me the diagnosis just before I saw the doctor! So, yesterday, I went with a heart full of peace and joy and calmness, fully expecting the doctor to parrot what my Lord had already spoken! And of course he did! Hallelujah, all glory and praises to our Lord and Saviour!

Thank you Pastor, I’m so blessed to be sitting under your anointed preaching and ministry and I will stay in divine health, here on earth, all the days of my life!

Fully enjoying this anointed ministry for seven great years, and more years to come,

Essie Tan

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